Thursday, July 2, 2009

New Penn Delaware Club -Water Rescue Training!

We took Atticus to Blue Mash Lake to the training day for the newfs water rescue to see what it was all about and see if he would act interested.. He DID! He got so excited and panicked anytime any of the trainers would call for help, he would bark nonstop and try to get into the water to help. He watched every dog take their turn, not so patienly, with total focus and seemed he knew what his job was. He did not actually do any of the training but did get to swim some and now were are sure this dog needs to take some water rescue courses of his own!


havalicious said...

these pictures are awesome and so exciting! looks like your boy will be a lifesaver! fun and cool!

The Gypsies said...

I know, it was so cool to watch the dogs that have been doing it for years.. hard working smart animals!

Human Bean said...

Amazing! I would love to see him swim sometime. I can just see him pacing and begging for a turn.